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First Monday of the new month be motivated

Monday motivation When one door closes another one opens Sometimes life just slaps you all over the place just have faith and keep believing. There are different things that will happen that will make you fear but don't worry because it will all work out. I am speaking from past experiences, all the trials you will go through will just make you stronger. I was supposed to start a job last week and a couple weeks before they cut my position,I was devastated for .05 seconds because in the back of my mind I was mad at myself because I turned down so many opportunities. Then I knew, I had to get back on my grind I was emailing people trying to get interviews for other positions, I had a couple more interviews and got excited and didn't hear anything back. Then finally I had an interview and I didn't even know what the job was for but because I had faith I interviewed great. They called me back the next day, I had another interview the following week. That weekend I took full advantage of researching the college and the department to find more info. I had the interview and they offered me the job. I had favor and I was so glad and overjoyed. There is a reason that I got another opportunity to be able to bring my skills and knowledge to a different office. I say all this to say believe and have faith and although you can't see the light sometimes always have the vision. (And a back up plan ) sometimes you have to stand still and see. Everything happens for a reason don't quit always keep pushing and stay tuned for more #mondaymotivation

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