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A Letter to Incoming College Freshmen

College is more than just getting into debt to get an education. It's about meeting new people, gaining new opportunities, perspectives, and creating different experiences. You learn so much more outside of class then you do inside. Classes are about 50 minutes or an 1 and 15 min depending on the day and school you go to. Although sitting in that class learning about diversity isn't the same as having a diverse group of friends from all over the world. That is where you learn to embrace, love and look out for each other. In college is the first time you are really on your own whether that is waking yourself up, paying for your cell phone bill or putting gas in your car. There are many different struggles when it comes to being a college student.

You have to challenge yourself, set goals and achieve them. You won't always get the opportunities handed to you in college you have to be able to find them and go out and catch them. If you see a cool thing you want to get involved take that risk. Want to study abroad? Apply for scholarships Looking for a job? There is plenty out there Want to get involved ? There is a student involvement office on campus Seek the opportunity, take the initiative, and go with the flow. Rise up my people #riseup

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